VERIFSUITE™ is a range of technology-enabled Managed Services that radically changes how governments and businesses enjoy Security, Safety and Essential services.
VERIFSUITE™ offers innovative Security-As-A-Service that put customers back in control. Customers can focus on core business activities and be freed from worries of having to deal with the hassles and disadvantages associated with conventional security and essential services models.
VERIFSUITE™ consists of VERIFSUITE™ Enterprise, VERIFSUITE™ Access, VERIFSUITE™ Ops, VERIFSUITE™ Video and VERIFSUITE™ Robo. All of these are created to provide customizable security, safety, and essential solutions which can be tailored to address your business needs.

Why Us
Unlike traditional upfront investment or outsourcing procurement models, VERIFSUITE™ operates on a Pay-as-You-Use model. This way, customers are assured of top quality, technical support, and sustainability. Warranty and support are included. Customers have no systems to manage, no hidden costs to deal with, and minimum to no requirements for recruitment of in-house administrators, support staff, and operators. All these equate to lower and more certain Total Costs of Operation.